Corvalia Whitlocke

We all suffer death someday. Some suffer many.
Little deaths, I call them.

You ask me who I am, yet would my answer satisfy you?

Many struggle to describe the woman known as Corvalia, a woman known for her secrecy and gentle mystery. My history is not a storybook to request at one's convenience she often says. Yet, by rumors alone, one can gather that Corvalia is a woman of the arcane. Some wonder if she is blind beneath the mask she wears, some murmur utterings of murder, many simply choose to leave her be. But ultimately, Corvalia revels in her mystery and finds peace in knowing she is free to carve the image she wishes to be seen as without worry of past hauntings.Some who have met her say she carries herself much like a ghost, ethereal and graceful as best she can, offering little in the way of words and moreso exuding a calming atmosphere. She is not unpleasant to be around by many accounts, though perhaps she might send a chill down the spines of those fearful of anything beyond ordinary.

Find out more about her roots ICly!

۞ Age -- 31
۞ Gender -- Female
۞ Race -- Highlander; Half-Elezen
۞ Occupation -- Traveling herbalist & holistic healer, fate reader, not a licensed therapist but will listen anyway
۞ Orientation -- Heterosexual
۞ Relationship Status -- You can very well try
۞ Alignment -- Neutral Good
۞ Notable Details ↴

Often seen late at night, walking the streets of whichever city she finds herself in. Usually, a body is found in the area the next morning.Known to smell of blackberries and alcohol.Can occasionally be seen bumping into things or reaching ahead of herself, leading to the idea she may be blind.Frequently wanders between cities for seemingly no reason.Seen to have burn marks on various parts of her body, namely her back and legs.


If you have an idea that isn't mentioned here, please feel free to DM me about it! I'd love to brainstorm if you think Corvalia would be a fun character to interact with.I'm fine with all themes, though for ERP I would prefer it make sense and not be the main focus of the relationship, as story is paramount to me.

Those who frequent the streets or woods at night may see her wandering, avoiding crowded streets yet almost always having a clear direction in mind - wherever that is.Those near death and far from others are more likely to encounter Corvalia directly.Curiously, Corvalia has been known to visit travelers setting up camp at night and requesting to stay the night, worrying about her safety during the dark hours alone. She often offers card readings, medicine or food in return.Rumors state that Corvalia is a murderer, stealing the coinpurses of those she kills in the night. That's the only reason she has the coin to travel at all, some say.

OOC Information

Thank you for looking at my carrd! It's still in progress as the character develops, keep in mind. Here's some information on the RPer rather than the character;

۞ Player is 21+
۞ She/Her
۞ Canadian, EST Timezone (Most available in evenings)
۞ I have social anxiety, which becomes severe when at public RP events. Please be patient with me and please don't subject me to walk-ups, ask first! - But don't be afraid to reach out, I'm perfectly comfortable with DMs about anything!
۞ I'm a detailed writer, so I often write a fair bit more than just two or three lines. I prefer in-depth writing of that sort as opposed to short, quick posts as the ability to describe small physical details or minute expressions is lost when the focus of the post is on short responses.
۞ I strongly prefer in-game RP, as I tend to lose focus or have my interest wane when doing long discord RPs, but if the story / character(s) are interesting enough, I'm willing to try it!
۞ Anything Else? ↴

I'm still fairly new to FFXIV's rp scene, though I've RP'd for about a decade by now on various forums, games, and amongst friends.I greatly value character development and growth, whether it be towards what I envisioned initially or not.Many enjoy the feeling of being the main character, but personally, I value more the knowledge that my character had a lasting impression on someone. I enjoy more giving others fun situations to react to in unexpected ways. That may be the perpetual DM speaking, honestly...

If you're looking to contact me, you can do so on Discord! -- noir#2562
I often respond as quickly as possible, though because my work has a no-phones-on-the-floor policy, it may take me a few hours during the days unless it's my day off.